So, tell me, what do I do about this?
I also thought it was worth noting that at the end of the concert the moon exploded to a gigantic size and was the colour of Mars. Despite the intensive Red wine consumption that day i used my highly scientific and logical mind and attributed this to three possible reasons:
Yeah believe it it. Anywho I went with reason three.
My Chloe bag is no more. Don't Cry for me Argentina it was my own fault. I didn't pay it off in time and David Jones cancelled the lay by. You will be pleased to know however that the hefty some i had already smacked down was refunded to me in its entirety because i lied through my teeth and said i recieved no notice of the impending cancellation. I don't ordinarily encourage such Pinoccio styling but this was a lot of mollah.
I was so depressed that i wondered around aimlessly for a minute... then dropped the earnings in one fowl swoop at the corner shop. Yeehaaaa i lassooed some Lover Pants, a Therese Rawsthorne shirt and some delightgful but obsecenely tight lilac coloured Cheap Mondays.
Moi, a label whore? No way Jose!
Ps... Could David Jones use this as evidence against me for their label?