Stevie Nicks is the gypsy that remains. She is 68 and is still as alluring and mystical as ever. Like so many fashion followers Miss Nicks has been a style icon for me for some time however having recently seen her up close and personal on tour my knees have become even more weaker for her.
The Fleetwood Mac concerto was an absolute blast as every song was an old favourite but despite the epic rock god guitar and drum solos Stevie certainly took the lime light. She had costume changes every few songs which kept me and every other follower more than entertained. Stevie's words and voice were incredibly charismatic but, her personal style is also so appealing. She still channels this witchy street urchin look which she has coined as her own and when the famous artful dodgeresque top hat came out I was ecstatic. She adds dangling scarfs and beads to her microphone stand, her gloves and her tambourine which gives her performance such a personalised touch.
The Fleetwood Mac concerto was an absolute blast as every song was an old favourite but despite the epic rock god guitar and drum solos Stevie certainly took the lime light. She had costume changes every few songs which kept me and every other follower more than entertained. Stevie's words and voice were incredibly charismatic but, her personal style is also so appealing. She still channels this witchy street urchin look which she has coined as her own and when the famous artful dodgeresque top hat came out I was ecstatic. She adds dangling scarfs and beads to her microphone stand, her gloves and her tambourine which gives her performance such a personalised touch.
I may explore her look personally... no Velvet corset dresses for me however. i mean mainly just personalised embellishments to dance and play around with at night. Yes that's right watch out! She also had a lot of lace as finishing touches. I love lace. I am going to raid my Nana's place. Oops that rhymed.

Okay, Stevie Nicks shopping list:
- lace (pinched from 1 Grandma lane, Grandmaville)
- beads (is that great bead shop still at the rocks?)
- ribbon
- top hat (too far?)
- tambourine (definitely too far but ooh so necessary)
- tumultuous and controversial love life
I also thought it was worth noting that at the end of the concert the moon exploded to a gigantic size and was the colour of Mars. Despite the intensive Red wine consumption that day i used my highly scientific and logical mind and attributed this to three possible reasons:
- Mars was hurtling towards us in an unprecedented Planet turf war.
- I had drank so much red wine that it had leaked into my eyes and everything was going to be a pleasant shade of rose from then on.
- Stevie really was a witch and had conjured it up to close the show on a sexy, mystical note.
Yeah believe it it. Anywho I went with reason three.
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