There is one thing that is ma-
jor about working in fashion and
dabbling in the
blogosphere and unsurprisingly its about keeping up to the minute/second/
milli-second about what's what and whose who. This is tricky! Actually, it is plain right DIFF-I-CULT to do with all of the millions of things any day holds.
Although blogging however is obviously not my full time job there are others who manage their postings really well and are keeping me inspired/jealous/motivated/depressed all in one go.
For instance, Miss teeny tiny Tavi is a complete inspiration. To be that young and that on the pulse is more than impressive but I have been struggling to get our mag recognised by IMG for New York fashion week tickets and although it worked in the end it is really frustrating that despite our years of Australian presence and accumulated experience, a thirteen year old just waltzes right past us and into the front row.
Another example, Jane Alridge aka Sea of Shoes... This makes me want to die. D.I.E. All in all she has fantastic taste which is why she has been heralded by every title around the world starting with V and ending in OGUE. But i would have great taste as well if my bank balance was that generous.

Third example is Bryan Boy who you may or may not know is totally on
every one's radar thanks to him keeping EVERYONE so firmly planted on his radar. He is absolutely up to the minute with his news and manages to span the globe despite his off the radar location of the
Philippines. Not a fake hand bag or
misspelled branded t-shirt in sight but
that's probably because he now sits front row at all the major shows. I am jealous naturally but impressed with his

Yes your eyes are correct. That bag there is a
Birkin not a gherkin. Guess which one i can get my hands on. Hint: The one i can afford is green not orange.
At the end of the day
Filipino l**y boy with
birkin bag, blue haired
pre-teen with a mean fashion opinion and the luckiest rich girl in the world equal fashion royalty. Don't let my bitterness and jealousy fool you. These kids are great.
What will i do?
Keep blogging