Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And who young lady, are you?

As ever this great land we live in is producing more and more internationally respected and more importantly "wanted" models. Mixed into the fashion city stew with Jess Hart, Miranda Kerr and Catherine Mcneil is a new angelic face with a seriously punchy pout.

The (h)it  girl on everyone's lips right now in NYC is Keke Lingard. Well, to be perfectly fair Keke is only half Aussie and is sky rocketing out of sunny Hawaii where she grew up. Actually, lets say semi grew up as she is all but the tender age of fifteen so there is a lot more growing to do yet. I am still going to claim her as our own, so please let me go along with it.  Cue: Waltzing matilda background music, Nikki Webster riding a giant thong and Cathy Freeman carrying both flags. Ahhh... Patriotism. 

Anywho, Keke is divine but with spunk. She skates, she surfs, she walks for Rag and Bone, Prada, Dolce and Gabanna and both ucci's. Pucci and Gucci you say by fifteen? I was loitering on train stations. It was a lot less glamourous I assure you. 

Keke is going to be big. 



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